Come join Niles Rotarians for Fellowship Fridays. Reach out to Sandi Pantages to find out the schedule and if you are interested in hosting one of the evenings at your home. Join us for a great way to get to know our members more intimately and enjoy good food, good drinks and great company!
Archives for April 2016
Social Media and the eClub of Silicon Valley
Would you like to have perfect attendance? Have a busy life? Well, now, especially new members, you can make up a meeting reach your 100% attendance for 3 months in a row. Seasoned members, want to follow Don Amsbaugh’s stellar record of attendance? Here is an easy way to do it.
Rotary eClub of Silicon Valley
Thanks to Rushton Hurley of the Rotary eClub of Silicon Valley and his wonderful presentation at the Rotary District Conference 5170 in San Ramon regarding Social Media & Other Online Possibilities. He shared the power of doing free survey’s using Google Forms, creating open chats between members to discuss events (anonymously or otherwise). Great tools – thank you Rushton!
Niles Rotary Website wins the District Competition for Best Site
Oh the things you can do … On our new website!! Take a look and prowl around. You will be amazed at all that’s there, and it continues to build. Thanks to the very hard work of Paul Andrus and Lisa Stambaugh of Collective Discovery, we have a beautiful, interesting, and very functional website! And kudos to all who helped with this process, from Don Cole who has make the fiscal part work, to many others who provided content and guidance! As was pointed out in our club program on the website, it very much reflects the history and personality of Niles Rotary.
Want to pay your quarterly lunch invoice quickly and easily? Just go to the Members section, log into Clubrunner (our “office” behind the website), find and click on “My Billing and Account Balance” and voila, your invoice is right there ready to pay. A few clicks and you’re done! We will be able to pay our club dues in that fashion.
To register and pay for some of our club events, just click on the Register tab for the event. We registered Rotarians online for the Wine Steward event held April 24. Register for the District Conference, and other events as they are scheduled. There are quick links to Rotary International, the District, or Club Finder where we can easily find another Rotary club meeting to attend. On the front page, who are the people in the Meet Our Members section? And what do you learn when you click on their photos? Very interesting stuff! This changes every two months featuring prominent members, new members and members that have passed on (featured in B&W).
The History page now includes the texts of our two Twenty Five year history books, short articles on the years from 1988-2007, a list of our Niles Rotary club presidents from 1937 to date. There are pages with summaries of our local and international service projects, with some videos of those. The photo gallery links to our Niles Rotary Shutterfly page where our photos reside. On the News/Blog page, you can read about our Niles Community Park cleanup project minutes after it was completed (thank you Paul). Or, find back issues of the Pinion. And so much more … This is a fabulous tool for our club and our members!! Thank you everyone who made it happen. Sandi Pantages
Niles Rotarians Members Wine Steward Event
Held Sunday, April 24th Niles Rotary members enjoyed Old World meeting the New World in wines. Who attended? Niles Rotarians and dear friends. What was it? A mezzanine seat and two hours of fun interaction led by the Wine Steward himself, winemaker and wine educator – Jim Denham – Plus, delicious wine tasting with assorted cheeses, meats and homemade sourdough. It was a sold out event and when Niles Rotarians were asked whether they preferred old world wines or new world wines at the lunch meeting Thursday, April 28th, most said they just like it all! Thank you for your effort and hard work Chuck! Event Flyer

Event Chair: Chuck Canada
April 2016 Pinion
April 2016 Pinion
In this Issue
- On Track with President Lisa
- Community Service Activities
- From Chocolate to Icebreaker from Aggie Freeman
- Rotarians of the Month
- Wheelchairs to Monterrey Mexico